Summer Music Festival

Laura Jackson conducts Kabalevsky, Beethoven, and Daron Hagen

Laura Jackson conducts Kabalevsky, Beethoven, and Daron Hagen

We are excited and pleased welcome Laura Jackson—now in her seventh season as music director of the Reno Philharmonic—as our guest conductor for Past Meets Present Meets Future–Classics IV this weekend (August 1st and 2nd) where she will lead the Wintergreen Festival Orchestra in presenting the music of composers Kabalevsky, Beethoven, and Daron Hagen.

Meet Susan Greenbaum

Meet Susan Greenbaum

Recently, I had a chance to sit down and catch up with Richmond-based Singer-Songwriter Susan Greenbaum.  Even though we have worked together several times, I learned a few new and marvelous things about this powerhouse musician!  She'll be coming to the Festival on Wednesday, July 22 to sing some of her own songs as well as some songs from 1975, the year the Wintergreen Resort was founded.  Check out her fascinating journey and beautiful songs below, and then join us on July 22 for a celebration not-to-be-missed!  -   Erin